If you’re a man, you might be worried about your health. You should be! After all, men are more likely than women to die from cancer and heart disease. But it’s not just because they’re at greater risk of developing these conditions—it’s also because they tend to suffer from them earlier than women do. That’s why it’s so important for guys like us to stay on top of our health screenings: They improve outcomes by helping doctors diagnose problems when they’re still treatable instead of waiting until later in life when there are no options left but radiation therapy or surgery.
You don’t always know something’s wrong.
If you’ve ever been in a situation where your health was at risk, you know how hard it can be to tell if something’s wrong. Sometimes, the symptoms of a health problem can be vague or subtle—you might not notice anything is wrong until it’s too late.
Some common symptoms of men’s health issues include erectile dysfunction and prostate cancer. Women may also experience these same problems but with different symptoms: they may feel pain during sex or have trouble getting pregnant due to fibroids (enlarged uterine tissue) or cysts in the ovaries; this condition is known as endometriosis.
Early detection improves treatment options.
Early detection of cancer and other serious illnesses can mean the difference between living a long life and dying from cancer. It also means you get to choose the type of treatment that fits your needs, lifestyle, and budget—not just any old treatment.
When you begin screening for breast cancer at age 40 or older (or sooner if you have certain risk factors), there are many different options available to treat it effectively. You might start with screening mammograms every year or biopsy samples from your breast tissue; however, these tests aren’t always accurate enough for early detection because they miss some cancers as small as one centimeter in size. By contrast, if someone went through this process regularly throughout their lives—and perhaps even after they were diagnosed with breast cancer—they would end up getting better treatments that worked faster than those offered by doctors today!
Some diseases and conditions only affect men.
- Prostate cancer: The number of men diagnosed with prostate cancer has risen sharply over the past several years, with an estimated 43,100 new cases expected to be diagnosed in 2018 alone. While there are no screening tests for prostate cancer due to its rarity, the American Cancer Society recommends that all men age 50 or older get a digital rectal exam (DRE) every year and have their prostate gland checked by a urologist if they notice any abnormal changes in the size or shape of their prostates.
- Testosterone deficiency: Around 15 percent of men over 40 have low testosterone levels—the condition is called hypogonadism—and studies show that those who don’t get enough of it are more likely to die prematurely than those with normal testosterone production levels
You might have a condition that doesn’t have symptoms.
You might have a condition that doesn’t have symptoms.
It’s important to get checked out if you’re concerned about your health. Some examples of conditions that don’t have obvious symptoms include:
- Hypertension (high blood pressure)
- Type 2 diabetes mellitus (also called adult-onset diabetes)
- Heart disease
Some conditions affect men more severely than women.
It’s important to be aware of the fact that some conditions affect men more severely than women. It’s also important to know that some diseases can be treated better if caught earlier, so make sure you get screened for prostate cancer and other common cancers in your 20s or 30s.
Men should stay on top of their health with regular screenings.
One of the most important things you can do for yourself is to stay on top of your health. Being aware of what’s going on with your body is key, not just because it will help you prevent disease and treat existing conditions better, but also because some conditions are only found in men. For example:
Prostate cancer affects one out of every six men over age 50, but only one out of 8 women will get it at that age.
Men tend to ignore their symptoms more often than women do—and many diseases start off as harmless symptoms that become more severe over time if left untreated. A new study from Brigham Young University found that 20 percent more men than women suffered from chronic fatigue syndrome; another study showed slow-growing prostate cancers were twice as common among men compared with women with similar demographics (age, race/ethnicity).
I hope that this article has given you a better understanding of what men should do to stay on top of their health and prevent common diseases. If you have any questions or concerns, speak with your doctor or healthcare provider.