If you’re like me and have a healthy, active lifestyle, it can be easy to ignore some of the symptoms that could be indicative of a problem with your thyroid. However, ignoring these issues can lead to more serious complications down the road. If you feel like something may be off with your thyroid, don’t wait until it’s too late! It’s important to get checked out by your doctor as soon as possible so they can rule out other possible causes for any discomfort or changes in energy levels and how well they work together with each other.
Feeling tired, lethargic, and sleepy for no reason
If you feel tired, lethargic, and sleepy for no reason, it could be a sign of depression. However, if your thyroid is low (hypothyroidism), feeling tired can also be a symptom of this condition.
As with any other health problem or disorder, there are many possible reasons why someone may feel fatigued or depressed: from chronic illness to pregnancy or menopause. But sometimes the cause is more clear-cut than others—such as when dealing with hypothyroidism—which means that it’s easier to spot early on in treatment plans.
Depression or feeling listless and blue
Depression is a common symptom of hypothyroidism. The thyroid gland controls the production of hormones that regulate mood, sleep and energy levels—and it can affect these functions if it’s not functioning properly.
If you’re feeling depressed or blue, don’t forget to check with your doctor about your thyroid levels. They’ll be able to rule out other conditions that could be causing your symptoms before they start prescribing medication for you.
Extreme fluctuations in weight that can’t be explained by diet or exercise changes
If you’ve been trying to lose weight and haven’t seen much of an impact, it could be that your thyroid is out of whack. Thyroid hormones affect metabolism, which means that they play a role in how efficiently the body burns calories. When this happens (as with any condition), it’s common for people who are overweight or obese to experience changes in appetite and hunger levels—the more severe the change, the harder it can be to lose weight.
If you suspect that your thyroid isn’t functioning properly and need some help losing weight:
- Talk with your doctor about having testing done. They may recommend an ultrasound or blood panel test if they feel something is wrong since these tests are noninvasive compared with having surgery done on one’s throat or neck area at a hospital setting.* *Take action now! Don’t wait until later when things get worse.*
Hair loss
One of the most common signs of hypothyroidism is hair loss. If you notice that your hair is thinning and falling out, it could be a sign that something is wrong with your thyroid.
Hair loss can also be caused by other health conditions, such as anemia and vitamin deficiencies. It’s important to have your bloodwork checked if you experience any of these symptoms—you may see improvement after taking supplements or changing your diet!
Hair loss can also be caused by stress, diet or genetics (having too much protein in your system).
Changes in mood, including irritability, anxiousness and forgetfulness
You’re probably familiar with the symptoms of hypothyroidism, including fatigue and weight gain. But what about hyperthyroidism?
It’s easy to dismiss these changes in mood as just another symptom of your thyroid disorder—but it’s important to remember that they may be much more than that. In fact, changes in your mood are one of the most common symptoms associated with thyroid disease: up to half of all people who have been diagnosed with hypothyroidism also experience some kind of increased level of emotional instability or decreased memory function (1). This can happen because both types of problems affect part of the brain known as “the basal ganglia.” This area controls many functions such as movement and motivation; when it doesn’t function properly due to either hypo or hyperthyroidism then you might feel irritable or anxious (2).
It’s also possible for someone who has been diagnosed with an underlying illness like diabetes or cardiovascular disease but no actual signs yet present themselves by feeling unusually tired during regular activities like walking around town shopping etcetera without any reason whatsoever other than being tired from lack thereof sleep (3).
Difficulty concentrating
- Difficulty concentrating can be a sign of hypothyroidism.
- Other symptoms of hypothyroidism include fatigue, weight gain, depression, hair loss and dry skin and brittle nails. Thyroid hormone is important for brain function as well as other bodily functions like heart rate control and metabolism.
Increased sensitivity to cold or increased intolerance of heat
- Increased sensitivity to cold or increased intolerance of heat
- Fatigue, irritability, and depression
- Weight gain
Dry skin and brittle nails
If you have dry skin and brittle nails, this could be a sign of hypothyroidism. Your doctor will perform a blood test to check for thyroid problems. They may also ask you about your symptoms and lifestyle habits that might affect your health in general.
If you experience any of these signs or symptoms, make an appointment with your doctor as soon as possible!
If you feel like something may be off with your thyroid, don’t wait to see a doctor.
If you feel like something may be off with your thyroid, don’t wait to see a doctor. Thyroid problems are very common and can go undiagnosed for years. Thyroid problems can be treated, but if left untreated, they can be life-threatening.
If you have any of the following symptoms that persist over several months or years:
- Fatigue (feeling tired all the time)
- Weight gain despite trying to lose weight
- Difficulty sleeping at night
If you feel like something may be off with your thyroid, don’t wait to see a doctor. There is no way around it: As we’ve discussed, the thyroid is an essential part of maintaining good health. If you suspect that something is wrong, it’s important to get checked out as soon as possible so that any underlying condition can be treated immediately before it becomes worse.