It’s not always easy to know when your body doesn’t feel right. But if you can identify the signs of a weakened immune system, you may be able to catch a problem before it gets worse. If you’re wondering whether your body is fighting off germs as efficiently as it used to, take our quiz to find out!
You always get sick at the same time every year.
While seasonal affective disorder is not technically a mental illness, it’s a common condition that affects many people. In fact, one out of every five Americans will experience seasonal affective disorder at some point in their lives.
The cause of seasonal affective disorder is a lack of sunlight. When the days start getting shorter and there aren’t as many hours for your body to produce vitamin D (which helps regulate sleep cycles), mood changes can occur. Most people who experience seasonal affective disorder are able to manage it with light therapy or vitamin D supplements during this time of year to help them feel happier and more energetic.
You’re tired all the time.
You’re tired all the time. If you feel consistently tired, your immune system could be to blame. While fatigue is a common symptom of many conditions, it can also be a sign that your body is working harder than usual to fight off infections and illness.
If you’re exhausted despite getting enough sleep, eating well, and reducing stress in your life—and your doctor says there’s no other reason for your fatigue—the culprit may be something else: an underlying condition like hypothyroidism or depression that has weakened your immune system.
It takes you weeks to recover from a cold or the flu.
- Why it takes you weeks to recover from a cold or flu.
When your immune system is weak, it can take longer to recover from illness than when your immune system is healthy. The reason for this is that the body will use up all of its resources trying to fight off whatever’s causing the problem and then will take time to rebuild after fighting off whatever was making you sick in the first place.
- What can be done about it?
There are lots of things people can do (or don’t do) that may cause their immune systems to weaken on top of being exposed to germs or viruses all day long at work and school. For example: not getting enough sleep; not eating enough fruits and vegetables; drinking alcohol; smoking cigarettes/marijuana; having too much stress in one’s life; not exercising regularly–these are all factors which may contribute to weakening one’s immunity over time! And if you add stress into that mix–well then there goes any hope for having good health!#ENDWRITE
Your allergies act up more than usual.
If you’re constantly battling allergies, it’s likely that your immune system is weakened. Allergies occur when the body’s immune system reacts to something that is not harmful, such as pollen or dust.
The list of symptoms that can indicate a weakened immune system include: dry mouth and eyes, fatigue, frequent infections (like colds or flus), headaches, heartburn or indigestion problems and hyperthyroidism
You have a skin condition like eczema or psoriasis, or have frequent rashes or boils.
If you have a skin condition like eczema or psoriasis, or have frequent rashes or boils on your head, in the folds of your arms and legs, and on other parts of the body that rub together when you move around a lot—you might be suffering from a weakened immune system.
The condition is called dermatitis and it can be caused by an abnormality in how the immune system protects against foreign substances such as dust particles. So if you’re suffering from dermatitis, that could be an indication that something is going wrong with your immune system’s ability to defend itself against infections.
It takes you forever to heal from cuts and bruises, and your tissue sometimes gets discolored before healing.
If you have a weakened immune system, it’s important to get a medical checkup. The doctor can give you advice on how to treat your condition and may recommend that you make changes in your lifestyle. For example, if you smoke or drink alcohol frequently, the doctor might recommend that you quit. He or she might also suggest taking vitamin supplements (such as vitamin C), which will help boost your immune system.
You’ve gotten more infections in the last year than usual, like bronchitis, sinus infections or pneumonia.
If you’ve been getting more infections than usual, it could be a sign that your immune system is compromised. “Immunity is a complex process, so even if it’s not obvious what is causing your immune system to falter, it’s still worth exploring,” explains New York City-based nutritionist Aviva Romm.
When it comes to identifying an infection and its root cause, Dr. Ida Tin says there are three questions to ask: First and foremost: Is this something that happens frequently? If so, it could be related to some underlying chronic condition (like asthma or eczema). Second: Are you taking medications that suppress your immune system such as steroids or antidepressants? Lastly: Do you have a chronic infection—like HIV/AIDS or hepatitis C—or diabetes (since these can both weaken the body’s ability to fight off infections)?
If you have a weakened immune system, it’s important to know why. This will help you determine if your symptoms are serious and what, if any, treatment is necessary. Most importantly, it will allow you to take extra care of yourself and your family members who may be vulnerable due to their own weakened immune systems.
For example: If the cause of your weakened immune system is a bacterial infection or cold sore virus (i.e., herpes simplex virus), there are several medications available over-the-counter or by prescription that can help get rid of the problem quickly and easily—and with minimal side effects. In contrast, if an autoimmune condition such as lupus has caused a decline in your body’s natural immunity function (or another type of cancer), then there won’t be any quick fixes—but there are still steps that can be taken that could improve how well treatments work for you in the long term (for example: changing diet).
If you’re experiencing any of these symptoms, it could be a sign that your immune system is weaker than normal. If you’re concerned, talk to your doctor. They’ll be able to help identify what’s going on and suggest steps towards restoring balance!